1. What's in your pocketbook? Mine:
black leather wallet w/ cash, cards, checkbook etc.
1 1/2 packets of tissue
packet of Kroger menthol cough drops
Ms. Booty room & body spray
part of a Kindermuzik instrument
TIRRC pamphlet (TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition)
Simulason Earache Relief
small vial of Excedrin migraine
peppermint tea bag in foil pouch
expired Costco card that Ziggy uses for his "credit card"
random puzzle piece
Almay pink shimmer lip gloss
arm from my recently broken BeBe eyeglasses
pink cloth bag for Diva Moon cup
small bottle patchouli essential oil
Burt's Bees Mulberry lipstick
Rebecca's Soothing Skin Salve
empty Levaquin bottle
Burt's Bees Raisin Lip Shimmer
Burt's Bees hand repair creme
Sally Girl Lush lip gloss
a clutch of (my) business cards
a few business cards of others
one organic spicy ginger teabag in packet
cupid lollipop in wrapper
a few stray gas receipts, three cough drop wrappers, one balled up tissue and a gel pen
2. How're you? Here's how it spins here in a nutshell:
Finally I have gotten well from the month-long bronchitis, sinus infection, double ear infection deal. Cough still lingering. Woke with tummy virus last night. Working part day from home today.
Husband stressed over school and work. Not sleeping. Empathic me: stressed, feeling repercussions of imbalance.
Ziggy doing GREAT. I'm about to start working five days a week at the office. He will move to and start preschool at a church next door to my work (the church's former parsonage) on Monday. He begins Metro's gifted program the following week. I chose not to send him on the field trip Monday so he can get bearings in a new environment first. He got a really good progress report from his soon to be old school, and is excited to leave there and begin five days a week.
I'm OK. Feeling my spouse's stress. Turning another year older on Monday. Loving my new laptop and couch. Big big purchases for me. Enjoying them immensely. Working hard on a big annual report, researching grants and funding strategies, planning for a yard sale for the Center and our Spring leadership Institute and Mother's Day Parade. Also putting together funding and a plan for a community garden between the church and the Center, and working with a new group of volunteers. Great to have them, more work to prepare tasks for them and train them. Etc. Busy time.
Dreaming about a business and researching the viability of it -- providing a meal preparation service where I'd have an industrial kitchen and come up with a menu for the week, customers order for the week and pick up OR get delivery.
Trying to figure out work and school stuff for us all and how it balances.
Planning for my home garden.
Attending church. Itching for Spring. Learning to hold it all more lightly.
Lots of transition. Hard, but good, ultimately. Self and marriage care, purging belongings, keeping my growing kid in healthy food and clothes and shoes that fit.
Trying to fit in weekly date nights and childcare.
Did I say busy? And tired?
Also grateful. Humbled. Often happy.
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