I'll add today's harvest of tomatoes and zucchini to CSA eggplant. Together with some onions and garlic, I'll make a big bubbling pot of ratatouille this week. Mmm.
I like to make it in large quantity, freezing some for later meals -- served on its own, over pasta, on toasted up bread, or even tucked into quiche. Several years ago, I took a ratatouille quiche to work; it became known as rooty-tooty to my co-workers at Renewal House.
(Don't you love the bowl? I'd always coveted them at thrift shops and antique malls of the stripe found in my Mister's native southwestern Michigan. My mother-in-law, who has several sets, gifted me with a nesting trio of these. )
oh! AND: I have cantaloupe growing in the garden!! Silly me thought my seedlings didn't make it and that these were cucumbers. Alas, no! We'll have a ripe melon within the week.