Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday .

This week's CSA share: whole chicken, dozen eggs, broccoli, lettuces, greens, strawberries, radishes.

I am grateful for:

-- kind friends and family, particularly in the face of feeling alone and kind of blue.

-- episodes of sweet children's shows, an enjoyable home library, Pediapops, and other niceties (indoor plumbing, washer & dryer, air conditioning, telephone, internet, sand & water table and other yard toys) that make being homebound with a sick child all week ever so much more bearable.

-- having put in the remainder of the front garden! (tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe, volunteer pumpkins, okra, limas, wando peas, butternut squash, zucchini, red peppers, etc.)

-- sunshine.

-- a mate that works elsewhere so I can work here.

-- my friend Jolie, to whom I wish a most happy birthday today.

-- all my beloved Chicks, who I don't see often enough, but remain a formidable force in shaping me to be who I am, and who I hope to become.

-- naps.

-- roasted cauliflower, a delicious discovery.


  1. I love the idea of a meat share! I wonder if they'll give you anything unusual, like duck maybe, or some cuts lower down on the hog...that would be quite a treat. And I am quite jealous of those strawberries. We're a good 2 weeks from a harvest. And like you guys we have new plants too and I did seriously think of repurposing the old pool too (though for potatoes) but somehow it got out to the trash before I could get creative with it. Have a great weekend, Ms P!

  2. Hello! I just discovered your blog. I really enjoy it, but even more importantly, I had to let you know that I also live in East Nashville and I have a son named Ziggy!Crazy, huh?
    Take care,

  3. El, we've been doing the meat share the better part of a year now. Previous to that, I'd been going in a time or two a year on a cow or chickens or whatever, with friends. But Peaceful Pastures offers (for a really nice price) 22-25 lbs of meat each month of a pretty wide array: beef, chicken, pork, lamb, goat. Some liver, some soup bones, and you can order the other stuff, I believe. We split the share with another family, picking up our big bag of fresh frozen meat every other month. Still, I have much in the freezer, and opted not to do the share this particular season. I plant to do it again this fall. But our current produce and meat share through Avalon Acres includes a dozen eggs and a meat each week, to be rotated as to kind / cut of meat. I like surprises.

    Elissa, thanks for checking in. Ziggy has been Ziggy since he was in the womb. He remains Ziggy here, but actually goes by another name out "there" -- nice to meet you!

  4. Roasted vegtables make my heart siiiiiiiiing! Our CSA starts wed, I can't wait!

  5. Nice to meet you too! I'm sure I'll see you around here and maybe even out there... :-)
