Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day. Arise!

artwork by the very very wonderful Nikki McClure, whose beautiful Mother's Day Proclamation poster and other amazing work you can find here.

I make mothering and peace work a part of my daily life; they are the focus I wish I'd had as a much younger woman, truth be told. And these days, there is richness and wonder and great progress (for me and mine, personally) in the smallest of things.... Thank you My Beloved Mister, and my sweet Ziggy, for making me a mother.

This will be the first in four years that I've not organized a Mothers Acting Up Mother's Day Peace Parade (though the Nashville Peace Coalition IS putting on an event). I myself will be spending the day with my dear mother (Diggy) in East Tennessee, and celebrating with my mother-in-law later in the month.

What will YOU be doing to celebrate Mother's Day, as a brunch to honor someone you love or as a call to peace, either one? Tell me, do!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. We are going to be finishing our vegetable garden. I hear there might be 8 bags of organic humus in the back of the station wagon with a bow on them : )
