Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dizzy Busy Bees.

Ziggy's hale, hearty and sporting FOUR teeth!
Yep. That's four. With two more shortly to make their debut. Our work and social schedule has racheted upright along with it. I've written a couple more little reviews for Frank and his bunch over at PureMusic. We've hung with some mama pals, enjoying a picnic and Ziggy's first swim. We're shortly to attend a retreat at the very wonderful Penuel Ridge with a group of women, some of whom attend Friends Meeting, some of whom are part of Middle Tennessee's Eclectic Homeschooling group and a handful of whom attended the Mother's Day Parade for Peace.

This week there's also our local Attachment Parenting group meeting, my bi-monthly Stitch & Bitch (Ziggy will hang at home with Daddy) and no less than two swim parties.

I'm also on the late end of Spring Cleaning into Summer.... continuing the process of baby proofing (ohhhhhhh, we are so far off) and readying for a yard sale.

Off go I to prepare pimiento cheese, humus and straw & hay pasta with green and gold veggies. Mmm.

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