Early one morning after a sleepless night; note decaf coffee, Mind Over Labor Book, prenatal vitamins, constant companion water bottle & the Sears book on Becoming A Father. Worn out after a doozy of a shower given by a bevvy of Diggy's friends-- Ms. Booty (only a week off sugar and swollen faced) and hostess Jo; the opening of gifts alone took 2 plus hours!! Those crazy church ladies are generous beyond belief!! Mama Booty shows mother-in-law Emmie Ziggy's goodies so far.... One Saturday AM, Daddy Booty espies his Mrs. and Bert the dog crashed out in their respective fetal positions after he's led them on a long walk down in Shelby Bottoms. Best Friends:Ms. Booty (greyer these last months) and Mama Loca. My Beloved Mister and me in our kitchen -- the in laws are visiting. Ms. Booty Homemaker in the park on a Sunday.
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